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When you live on campus, 您可以使用大学宿舍的礼宾服务和设施,以满足您的个人需求. 如果您对这些服务有任何疑问,请联系您的住宿助理(RA).

If something in your room or apartment needs to be fixed, 或者你需要报告洗衣机或烘干机的机械问题, please submit a maintenance repair request.

正常维护时间为周一至周五早上7点.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you have an emergency, such as no heat or power, outside of these hours, please contact OUPD at (248) 370-3331. 如果你的网络或电子设备有问题, 请致电(248)370-2534与住房技术帮助台联系.


Hamlin, Hillcrest, 橡树景和范登堡大厅都有一个服务台,全天都有工作人员,提供:

  • Games
  • Mail distribution (U.S. and campus)
  • Moving carts
  • Toilet paper
  • Tools
  • Vacuums

The Ann V. 尼科尔森社区之家有一个服务台,全天都有工作人员,并提供:

  • Keys (apartment buildings only)
  • Mail distribution (U.S. and campus)
  • Moving carts
  • Sporting equipment
  • Vacuums

Service Desk Hours

Residence Halls Service Desk Hours
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Apartment Service Desk Hours
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Service Desk Contact Numbers

Hamlin Hall Service Desk (fourth floor, main lobby)
(248) 370-2953

Hillcrest Service Desk (third floor, main lobby)
(248) 370-3984

Oak View Service Desk (second floor, main lobby)
(248) 370-4491

(248) 370-2886

Apartments Service Desk (Ann V. Nicholson Community House, 4000)
(248) 370-2581

不用担心在欧大周围带着硬币. 每个住房单元至少有一个洗衣间供居民免费使用.

宿舍有配备美泰洗衣机和烘干机的洗衣房, laundry sinks, chairs and tables. Each apartment in the Ann V. 尼科尔森学生公寓大楼有自己的洗衣机和烘干机. The George T. 马修斯学生公寓大楼有两个中央洗衣房和三个洗衣机, three dryers, a laundry sink and sorting table in each one.

每台机器大约需要30分钟洗净,60分钟烘干. 不要把你的物品或衣服丢在无人看管的洗衣房里. Machines are for resident use only. 任何洗衣机或烘干机的机械问题都应通过网站在线报告 e-maintenance system.

每个宿舍房间和学生公寓单元都有一个上锁的邮箱. 宿舍楼的邮箱位于每栋楼的主楼层,可以使用相应的房间钥匙打开. Mailboxes for Ann V. Nicholson学生公寓的住户位于社区住宅内,可以用特殊的邮箱钥匙打开(每个邮箱对应每个学生的卧室号码)。. Mailboxes for George T. 马修斯学生公寓的住户就在每间公寓的外面.

请记住:为了使邮件和包裹正确送达, they must be addressed accurately. Please review the information below carefully, 一定要和那些可能给你发邮件的人分享. 

收到包裹的宿舍楼学生将收到一封电子邮件通知,他们可以在哈姆林的任何一个地方领取包裹, Hillcrest, Oak View, or Vandenberg service desk. 学生必须出示学生证才能领取包裹.

Ann V. 收到包裹的尼科尔森学生公寓的居民将在他们的邮箱里收到一个通知,以及一个位于社区之家的包裹箱的钥匙. If the package is too large for the parcel box, you will be asked to pick it up in the apartment office.

Addressing mail
Residence Halls

Oak View Hall
Student's Full Name
Oak View Hall, RM #
509 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4452

Hamlin Hall
Student's Full Name
Hamlin Hall, RM #
550 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4452

Hillcrest Hall
Student's Full Name
Hillcrest Hall, RM #
273 Grizzly Ln.
Rochester, MI 48309-4478

Vandenberg Hall
Student's Full Name
Vandenberg Hall, RM #
502 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4452

Student Apartments

Ann V. Nicholson Apartments

1000 Building
Student's Full Name
1000 Meadow Brook Rd., APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4425

2000 Building
Student's Full Name
2000 Meadow Brook Rd., APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4426

3000 Building
Student's Full Name
3000 Meadow Brook Rd, APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4427

5000 Building
Student's Full Name
5000 Meadow Brook Rd., APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4428

6000 Building
Student's Full Name
6000 Meadow Brook Rd., APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4429

7000 Building
Student's Full Name
7000 Meadow Brook Rd., APT #
Rochester, MI 48309-4430

George T. Matthews Apartments

For units 572-596
Student's Full Name
UNIT # Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4487

For units 620-700
Student's Full Name
UNIT # Ravine Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4487

Outgoing mail
您可以在哈姆林、希尔克雷斯特、奥克维尤和范登堡服务台邮寄信件. 公寓社区住宅也有一个邮件槽,可以邮寄信件.
Forwarding mail
To ensure that your mail is forwarded following a move, 每次更改地址时,请务必在My Sail帐户中更新您的地址. Please note that only mail delivered by the United States Post Office will be forwarded; packages from UPS, FedEx, 寄给非住校学生的快递和DHL快递将不予转发.

大学宿舍很高兴为2023-24学年想要把床放在床上的学生提供床上安置服务. Those who are interested in having their beds lofted must complete this request form. 如果你想让你的床保持在标准位置, you do not need to take any action at this time. 

Please be aware of the following important details:

  • 一旦抽签完成,抽签服务将在您的学生账户中收取45美元的费用, provided your request is made prior to August 18, 2023.
  • 在秋季入住期之后提出的拍卖请求的费用将增加到65美元. 
  • 大学宿舍的床位只能通过这个申请程序来分配.No other type of lofting is permitted.
  • Full-sized beds cannot be lofted. 如果你住在一个有一张全尺寸床的房间里,并提交了一份分租申请, 你的床铺不会被搬走,你也不会被收取搬走费.Full-sized beds are found in the Ann V. 尼科尔森公寓,以及乔治T. Matthews apartments, and Oak View Hall.

由于空间限制,Hamlin Hall的卧室可以容纳三名指定的学生,他们必须将家具留在原来的阁楼配置中.

需要处理针头或其他尖锐物品的校园居民现在可以从社区服务台查看个人尖锐物品容器. Once the container has been filled, 可在范登堡大厅服务台兑换或交回. 我们要求在学期结束时归还所有的容器.   

学生需要使用锋利的容器可能有各种各样的原因. Examples of sharps include: 

  • 针头-用于皮下注射药物的空心针头. 
  • 注射器-用于向体内注射药物或从体内取出液体的装置. 
  • 长矛(也称为“指棍”装置)-带有短, 两刃的刀片,用来采集血液进行检测.

这个试点项目是由格雷厄姆健康中心创建的, the Environmental Health and Safety Program, and University Housing. Our thanks to the Residence Halls Association, Council of Students with Disabilities, 以及Transcend,因为他们倡导向校园居民提供这一资源.

University Housing

Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3570

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.